Wellness Wednesday

Wellness Wednesday is an event hosted at the Huron County Chamber of Commerce the first Wednesday each month – 6:00 – 8:00 PM. Topics and facilitators will vary each week, but focus on personal development, wellness and holistic health and healing. This event is FREE to the public.

Wellness Wednesday

Topics may include:




*holistic wellness





*oriental medicine

*physical therapy

*personal training




*stress management



*and much, much more!

Wednesday Lunchtime Meditation

30 minute meditation classes – just $5 per class.

Classes are held every Wednesday (except 3rd Wed. each month)

at Sheri’s Coffee House

27 Whittlesey Avenue – Norwalk

-back conference room-

3rd Wednesday at Haven Hypnosis

269 W. Main Street – Norwalk

-meditation room-

Join us for Lunchtime Meditation!

How can Haven Hypnosis and Wellness, LLC help you Start Living the Life You Deserve?

Nora Knople, BLS, BCH

Paint Your Way Out (C)

Paint Your Way Out is a mediation painting program created by Nora Knople

of Haven Hypnosis and Wellness, LLC.

Why I Created Paint Your Way Out

Paint Your Way Out was created out of a desire to help others using a tool I used to help myself. Years ago, I was struggling with back-to-back trauma that caused childhood trauma to resurface. A co-worker at the time told me that she painted in order to relax. It never occurred to me that this was something people did to relax. That night I bought several canvases, paints and brushes and went home to paint. I reflected on what I was feeling and began to look at images online that evoked those feelings. Certain colors and movements would “speak to me.” So I used those images as inspiration to begin my painting journey. In eight hours I painted six paintings, each one created from the hurt and anger I felt at the time. I knew I had a powerful tool to not only help myself through the hardest of times, but it could help others too.

What You Can Expect at a Paint Your Way Out Workshop

A Paint Your Way Out workshop is typically two hours long. The first 10-15 minutes you get an introduction to how the program/workshop came to be as I share my personal experience with trauma and healing. Then you are lead through a guided imagery meditation to help you reflect on your feelings and the colors, shapes and movements attached to the feelings. The meditation lasts approximately 25 minutes, after which, you will paint what you see during your meditation. You get more than an hour to paint and no worries, you do not need artistic ability to participate. Your painting will be as unique as you. No one painting is a like, nor do most paintings look like anything. The best way to describe the style is abstract or expressionism, from an art standpoint. The entire experience is freeing, healing — not to mention, FUN!

Check our EVENTS page for a Paint Your Way Out workshop near you. All workshops are pre-pay and cost may vary for this workshop, depending on location.

Do not see a workshop near you? Contact us to set up a PERSONAL workshop in your area or our office. Try Paint Your Way Out and Start Living the Life You Deserve.

Nora Knople, BLS, BCH

#havenhypnosis #pywo

Emotional Detox Education (C)

Emotional Detox Education is a program created by Nora Knople of Haven Hypnosis and Wellness, LLC. The teachings of Iyanla Vanzant were the inspiration for creating this program after reading One Day My Soul Just Opened Up. The book allowed for interpersonal reflection to help heal and honor my life.

What Is Emotional Detox Education?

Emotional Detox Education is a program and eight week workshop, that takes you on a journey within. In each of the eight weeks, you will take a deep look at different areas of your life. Each week we participate in activities to help balance your emotions, find and speak your truths and work toward living authentically.

What Can I Expect During This Workshop?

You can expect:

  • Open discussions, without judgment

  • A safe place to share

  • Empathy and compassion

  • Experiences to help you grow

  • Fun activities that engage thinking

  • Resources to continue healthy habits and healing

Emotional Detox Education is the basis of my life skills and personal development classes taught at Haven Hypnosis and Wellness, LLC.

Want to Attend the next Emotional Detox Education?

Check out the EVENTS page for dates and times of the next workshop. Participants must pre-pay for this event and commit to attend all eight weeks. The cost for this workshop is $125 for all eight weeks. It includes your workbook and journal.

Join us for the next Emotional Detox Education workshop and Start Living the Life You Deserve.

#havenhypnosis #ede

Nora Knople, BLS, CHt