Wellness Wednesday

Wellness Wednesday is an event hosted at the Huron County Chamber of Commerce the first Wednesday each month – 6:00 – 8:00 PM. Topics and facilitators will vary each week, but focus on personal development, wellness and holistic health and healing. This event is FREE to the public.

Wellness Wednesday

Topics may include:




*holistic wellness





*oriental medicine

*physical therapy

*personal training




*stress management



*and much, much more!

Wednesday Lunchtime Meditation

30 minute meditation classes – just $5 per class.

Classes are held every Wednesday (except 3rd Wed. each month)

at Sheri’s Coffee House

27 Whittlesey Avenue – Norwalk

-back conference room-

3rd Wednesday at Haven Hypnosis

269 W. Main Street – Norwalk

-meditation room-

Join us for Lunchtime Meditation!

How can Haven Hypnosis and Wellness, LLC help you Start Living the Life You Deserve?

Nora Knople, BLS, BCH