Emotional Detox Education is a program created by Nora Knople of Haven Hypnosis and Wellness, LLC. The teachings of Iyanla Vanzant were the inspiration for creating this program after reading One Day My Soul Just Opened Up. The book allowed for interpersonal reflection to help heal and honor my life.

What Is Emotional Detox Education?
Emotional Detox Education is a program and eight week workshop, that takes you on a journey within. In each of the eight weeks, you will take a deep look at different areas of your life. Each week we participate in activities to help balance your emotions, find and speak your truths and work toward living authentically.
What Can I Expect During This Workshop?
You can expect:
Open discussions, without judgment
A safe place to share
Empathy and compassion
Experiences to help you grow
Fun activities that engage thinking
Resources to continue healthy habits and healing
Emotional Detox Education is the basis of my life skills and personal development classes taught at Haven Hypnosis and Wellness, LLC.
Want to Attend the next Emotional Detox Education?
Check out the EVENTS page for dates and times of the next workshop. Participants must pre-pay for this event and commit to attend all eight weeks. The cost for this workshop is $125 for all eight weeks. It includes your workbook and journal.
Join us for the next Emotional Detox Education workshop and Start Living the Life You Deserve.
#havenhypnosis #ede
Nora Knople, BLS, CHt